Thursday, September 21, 2006

Israel Calls Iran Its Greatest Threat

"Iran is the biggest threat to the U.S. as well," says the Humble Patriot.

Yesterday Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni told the U.N. General Assembly that Iran is a threat to the world's values. Read about her speech here.

The Humble Patriot believes a war is coming between the United States and Iran. It has been brewing since 1979. This war will probably not "go hot" until Iran does something terribly damaging to the U.S. (think Pearl Harbor, 9/11, etc). With large numbers of U.S. troops on "both sides" of Iran (Iraq to the west, Afghanistan to the east), Iranian President Ahmadinejad is likely feeling a little squeezed.

In my Humble opinion, if Iran attacks the United States, either directly or through a terrorist front group, I hope the leadership of the U.S. has the fortitude to completely destroy Iran and its terrorists. We have screwed around with them long enough.

Additional reading: Nuclear war with Iran from Global

Friday, September 15, 2006

Fuel Prices Poised to Drop

The prices of petroleum-based fuels have been dropping, and are likely to drop even further in the future. Energy consultant Philip Verleger was quoted in a Seattle Times article yesterday that $15 per barrel oil is a possibility within the next nine months, which would traslate into $1.15/gal for gasoline in the U.S. Mr. Verleger is the same energy consultant whose lone voice a few years ago predicted oil prices would soar. He was right then and hopefully he will be right again. The Humble Patriot says go ahead and buy that Ford Excursion and stomp on the pedal!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Blair Attacks Anti-American Madness

"The reality is that none of the problems that press in on us can be resolved or even contemplated without them"
Tony Blair takes on the America-bashers

The United States has a friend in Tony Blair. Although he is a stalwart of Britain's liberal Labour Party, he always seems to come down on the side of the United States when it comes to national security concerns. He encounters fierce criticism from around the globe for his support of military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Whether the British subjects know it or not, they have been lucky to have a leader like Tony Blair, and the United States has benefitted greatly from his friendship and support.

Thanks to Michelle Malkin for leading me to this story. Read her article.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Amazing Life of Rick Rescola

Col Rick Rescola, U.S. Army (ret), was born on May 27, 1939. He died on September 11, 2001. His life story could fill many volumes. I cannot begin to document his heroism on this page. Here are some links that will give you an idea why he was a great American:

Article from 9/11/06 in the Mudville Gazette

Wikipedia article on Rick Rescola

Video interview of Rick Rescola from 1998

Love story about Rick and his wife from

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Presidential Address
I was unable to see President Bush's speech on television, but I read it online. It's a wonderful summation of our Nation's stance. Read it here at

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Sounds of 9/11
"Crisis is a great editor."

Just prior to and immediately after the Al-Qaeda attacks on September 11, 2001, phone calls were made by many of the soon-to-be victims to loved ones. None of these calls were made to air past grievances or argue about something petty. Nobody called to say, "I never liked you." This human spirit is captured by former White House speechwriter Peggy Noonan in an opinion article for the Wall Street Journal.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Camels and Donkeys and Goats, Oh My!

Okay, even though I am deployed to a combat zone I cannot resist posting to my blog. I recently got an Internet connection in my living quarters, which makes blogging much easier.

This photo was taken on a road in Afghanistan, north of Kabul. These beasts of burden are likely carrying the belongings of some nomads.

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