Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Six Crazy,
Flying Imams

This story is now about two weeks old, and everybody who keeps their noses in the news has heard plenty about the Flying Imams. If you need more background info, I Humbly suggest you read Power Line columns here and here.

I too would have been concerned about the Imams' behavior, had I been a passenger on that flight. Clearly these guys were trying to upset those around them. For a recent recap of all that happened, plus the police report and witness statements, check out Richard Miniter's column at Pajamas Media.

Immediately after the incident in which these nuts were removed from the aircraft, they called on all Muslims to boycott US Airways. As Ann Coulter said, if only we could get Muslims to boycott all airlines, we could dispense with airport security altogether! In her latest column, Ms Coulter shows us why airport security should be profiling Arabs. Shahin, the spokesman for the six Imams, had a predecessor at the Islamic Center in Tucson who was Osama bin Laden's financier and head of logistics — until he was arrested in Saudi Arabia in 2002.

In closing, here is a video from Sout al Kuffar titled Flight Club : Being Naughty on a Plane.


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