The Press at War
"What ever happened to patriotic reporters?"
James Q. Wilson lectures at Pepperdine University in California as their Ronald Reagan Professor of Public Policy. Wow, I wish I had Ronald Reagan in my job title! Anyway, he wrote a great column for the Wall Street Journal called The Press at War. I suggest you read the entire article, but here is a portion of the article where Prof. Wilson demonstrates the absurdity of today's mainstream media and their war coverage:Suppose the current media posture about American military and security activities had been in effect during World War II. It is easy to imagine thatMy nod to Little Green Footballs for pointing me to Prof. Wilson's column.
happening. In the 1930s, after all, the well-connected America First Committee
had been arguing for years about the need for America to stay out of "Europe's
wars." Aware of these popular views, the House extended the draft by only a
one-vote margin in 1941. Women dressed in black crowded the entrance to the
Senate, arguing against extending the draft. Several hundred students at Harvard and Yale, including future Yale leader Kingman Brewster and future American president Gerald Ford, signed statements saying that they would never go to war. Everything was in place for a media attack on the Second World War. Here is how it might have sounded if today's customs were in effect:
December 1941. Though the press supports America's going to war against Japan after Pearl Harbor, several editorials want to know why we didn't prevent the attack by selling Japan more oil. Others criticize us for going to war with two nations that had never attacked us, Germany and Italy.
October 1942. The New York Times runs an exclusive story about the British effort to decipher German messages at a hidden site at Bletchley Park in England. One op-ed writer criticizes this move, quoting Henry Stimson's statement that gentlemen do not read one another's mail. Because the Bletchley Park code-cracking helped us find German submarines before they attacked, successful U-boat attacks increased once the Germans, knowing of the program, changed their code.
January 1943. After President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill call for the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers, several newspapers criticize them for having closed the door to a negotiated settlement. The press quotes several senators complaining that the unconditional surrender policy would harm the peace process.
May 1943. A big-city newspaper reveals the existence of the Manhattan Project and its effort to build atomic weapons. In these stories, several distinguished scientists lament the creation of such a terrible weapon. After Gen. Leslie Groves testifies before a congressional committee, the press lambastes him for wasting money, ignoring scientific opinion, and imperiling the environment by building plants at Hanford and Oak Ridge.
December 1944. The German counterattack against the Allies in the Ardennes yields heavy American losses in the Battle of the Bulge. The press gives splashy coverage to the Democratic National Committee chairman's assertion that the war cannot be won. A member of the House, a former Marine, urges that our troops be sent to Okinawa.
August 1945. After President Truman authorizes dropping the atomic bomb on Japan, many newspapers urge his impeachment.
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