Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Keith Olbermann

Who is this guy?

I have been away from home for several months now, and my only links to the "world" are the American Forces Network (AFN) and the Internet. Unlike the old days, AFN Television now has several channels to choose from, which include sports, news, and movies. I keep a rather busy schedule here in Afghanistan, and the only time I find myself watching AFN is when I eat breakfast. In the dining hall they show AFN News, which is a mixture of various news shows from different TV networks. When it's 5:30 am here it's 8:00 pm Eastern time in the U.S., which is the prime news slot for the cable news channels.

So, Your Humbleness sits down for some fruit and Cherrios, ready for some serious thought gathering before embarking on another day in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. I glance up at the nearest big plasma TV, and some guy's face is filling the screen. His name is Keith Olbermann, host of the show Countdown. I was completely unfamiliar with Mr. Olbermann hitherto. After watching him a few times I have some very strong opinions about the man. He wears nice suits, my only favorable comment about this guy. Countdown includes an odd mixture of news, analysis, and humor. As an added bonus, viewers are sometimes treated to a kooky rant at the end of the show. The "news" coming out of Mr. Olbermann's mouth appears to contain a liberal helping of Democratic talking points. He hits all the Dem's hot topics and is certain to bash President Bush on every show.

Okay, so I don't like Keith Olbermann's Countdown. What's that, you say? Oh, his show usually ranks dead last among the four cable news shows during that time slot? So why doesn't AFN broadcast The O'Reilly Factor during that time slot instead? Good question. I sent a nice e-mail to the folks who run AFN at March Air Reserve Base in California, asking why they show the President-bashing, anti-war ranting Countdown. I asked them why they don't show more Fox News Channel offerings like O'Reilly (Fox News Channel was the hands down favorite when I did an informal poll among my deployed comrades here in Afghanistan). The AFN people, ever the efficient bureaucrats, sent me a rapid reply. Humble Patriot likes rapid replies! However, the milquetoast response from AFN indicated that they are less concerned with what the troops want, and more concerned with presenting a "balance of different shows." Barf!

Humble Patriot's suggested reading:
Olbermann's Arrogance from Real Clear Politics
Media Research Center's latest article on Olbermann
Michelle Malkin on Olbermann's Worst Person in the World


Blogger airforcewife said...

At the beginning of the GWoT, FOX was indeed the newschannel of choice at many locations.

It just so happened that a group of reporters from other, less popular with the military folk, networks raised a hue and cry and claimed that they were being marginalized. The military caved to pressure to be "fair" and "inclusive", thus suborning the wants of the many to the wants of the few.

That is why you get to watch the wonderful Mr. Uberidiot.

Look, count your blessings. At least you don't have to sit through Rosie O'Donnell on The View.

9:16 PM  
Blogger Humble Patriot said...

Yes, I recall hearing that you could watch FNC 24/7 on AFN. Now they only show a few FNC shows, like Hannity & Colmes.

Most of the people watching AFN in the dining hall are armed, so if they broadcast The View somebody would probably shoot the TV!

9:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot belive that you have to watch him, he is poison.

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all of the lies from this administration and the harm they have caused all of us veterans, you do not want to view a mouthpiece for the adminstration like Fox is. As a Patriot myself, the first thing you have to do is question everything! Mr Rove, Mr Cheney, Mr Bush, Mr Tenant (all draft dodgers), and Ms Rice all put us in harm's way. Your "fearless" idiots in the Republican party are still promoting FEAR, SMEAR, and QUEERS. What a platform to run a nation on! Mr Keith may have some points, simply listen then make an educated decision, not simply believe what the right wants you to hear. Thanks!

4:03 AM  

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