Senator McCain and the Anti-War Left
Although I tend to disagree with many of Senator McCain's positions on political matters, I find him to be highly principled and honorable. Last Friday he gave the commencement address at the New School in New York. Located in Greenwich Village, the New School is certainly no bastion of conservative thought. These "progressive, enlightened" students rudely booed and heckled the distinguished gentleman from Arizona. A senior who was invited to speak disposed of her prepared remarks and instead chose to ridicule Mr. McCain as he sat nearby. The senator reacted with tremendous restraint to this treatment, and gave a magnificent speech for the New School graduates. If the hecklers and polemical left-wingers actually listened (and understood) his words, they probably felt rather sheepish in light of their antics.
Read Senator McCain's speech. Read the WSJ opinion article Days of Rage. Follow up: Heckler apologizes.